Work, Life, Balance

“Balance is not something you fine. It’s something you create.” -Jana Kingsford

Prioritize yourself, but also your kids. It is important to work to continue to have a sense of self. Parent like you don’t work, take care of the house. Remember to ask for help, but feel guilty about it. Don’t forget about exercise. And self care-it is important to do things for yourself. Find your passion. Do all the things, but don’t over do it.

The weight of motherhood. It never ends.

How does one do it all? Find the ‘work, life, mom, self’ balance?

Sometimes it becomes too much.

All you can do is step back and take a breath. Reset. Regroup. Literally smell the flowers.

Do you ever get so overwhelmed with the weight of it all and you don’t know what to do?

Recently I did a poll on my Instagram story asking if anyone else every gets incredibly overwhelmed to the point they need a break.. and the answer hands down was YES! I am not alone with these feelings.

The feeling where everything seems SO important and nothing can be sacrificed, therefore YOU get sacrificed. You burn yourself out in one way another whether it be physically or mentally. It gets to a point where you just can’t anymore. Something has got to give.

Well, that happened to me recently.

As you know I only recently launched this blog to the public. This is something that has been in the works for years. And it was exhilarating to build it up, getting closer to launch day. Then it happened, we were live, then suddenly I was blank. Now what? I had put my everything in to get to this point, I didn’t know what to do next. So I just chilled out for a minute, but it was always there in the back of my brain. This nagging voice saying ‘you need to do more’. But I couldn’t. And I spiraled.

Instagram has been my primary source of content for years, not causing me an overwhelming amount of stress, taking a day off here or then when it felt necessary. But it became heavy. It became all encompassing, the nagging voice saying ‘do more’ but yet my mind was blank, which was adding even more pressure. I became agitated at the idea of opening the app. On top of the rest of life.. worldly events, momming, threenager, working out of the home, while trying to maintain some level or order in that home. As well as trying to treat my body better with exercise, eat better, live eco consciously and host a garage sale (that was a one and done, never again!). And this and that and more. It became too much.

I was losing my shit every which way from Sunday. I didn’t know what to do. Some things HAVE to get done- the kids need to be fed, bathed, and loved. Work needs to be attended. The house needs to get some attention. Food-well it became what it was and exercise came where I could. Social media was the one are I could take a step back, let my brain do its thing, decompress. There had been so much build up, I needed to take a minute. And that is exactly what I did.

I took a week off social media, and let me tell you, it felt great. Don’t get me wrong, I love Instagram, but boy oh boy, did I need to take minute, breathe, regroup and refocus. I gave the kids a little extra attention, dealt with some home stuff, and tried to get my thoughts back in order, and smelled some flowers!

Now, I am not saying things are better! There is still a lot of work to be done, but for the moment, things seem to feel a little more manageable. While I very much do not feel like I have accomplished that ‘work mom life’ balance thing just yet, I know with time we’ll get there. Learning what and when certain balls can be dropped in order to prevent others from falling. Learning my limits, and how to deal with the overwhelming sensation in a healthy manner. Taking a step back from what I can when needed instead of taking it out in the wrong areas. I am a constant work in progress.. but aren’t we all!

Have you found a work mom life balance? Any tips or tricks?!


Newly discovered facts about myself


The Many Hats of Motherhood