The Many Hats of Motherhood

More than ‘Just a Mom’

As a mom, do you ever feel like you’ve lost the woman you were prior to becoming a mom?

That now that there are these tiny humans to care for, you have gone from who you were to being responsible for this other human being?

Their survival depends on you.

You are now their chef, their chauffeur, their doctor and nurse. You are now their maid and warden, their friend, their everything.

It can become a lot.


You are also their first thought in the morning, the one they want to see right before they drift off to sleep, if not in the safety in your arms to get there. You are their smile, their full tummy, their mended owie, their everything.

Becoming a mom is not for the faint of heart. It is chaotic, exhausting, messy, and yet so so so incredibly worth it.

Everything you thought you new about life, was wrong. Everything you thought you knew about yourself, has shifted.

While you may miss the person you were, you are so completely in love with these tiny humans you find the new person you are meant to be inside of you. You take this new title with great proudness, and embrace the new chaos of life.

Because, while now you may be a chef, chauffeur, doctor and nurse, maid and warden, it is all worth it to be their friend, their mother, their everything.

Yes, you are a mom, but you are so much more than ‘just’ a mom.

You are everything.


Work, Life, Balance


Mommin’ - not for the faint of heart