Surviving a Three-nager

Everyone talks about the ‘Terrible Twos’ and how hard they are, but no one really talks about what its like to have a three-nager. Three year olds are the real hell raisers. Two year olds, yes they have their hard times, but man oh man, there’s nothing quite like three.

You expect two to be hard. You prepare for it. You give them a little more grace. Then at three, you expect them to know better, to somehow suddenly turn in to this mature grown up kid, when really, they’re still tiny humans still learning how to human! Three year olds are fiercely independent, but need guidance and reassurance. They need just as much grace and understanding. They need to be TAUGHT how to handle situations, not expected to just know.

At three, the meltdowns are real, the independence is strong, the feelings are intense-all of them! The love is like none other.

Remember that you are the mama, stay strong and consistent. They crave routine and boundaries.

No matter how hard and challenging and close to pushing you over the edge they are,

Just remember, they eventually turn four!


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