Sustainability, where to start?

Okay, you have made the decision, now what?

First of all, welcome to the other side, you wont regret it!

Now, let’s take a deep breathe. I know it can feel overwhelming, especially when you take a look around and see all the areas in which you want to make improvements and swaps. Try not to get weighed down by it all. Sustainability doesn’t need to, and most often doesn’t, happen over night. Start small, baby steps. I always say ‘progress over perfection’ when it comes to living a more sustainable lifestyle. It will take unlearning. It will take a bit of trial end error to find what works for you. There will be imperfections. But at the end of the day, every little choice is a huge step in the right direction.

Now let’s get started!

The first place to start, in my opinion, is with what you already have. There is no need to go out and buy bunch of reusable paper towel, glass tupperware, bamboo clothing, or laundry strips. Do you have tea towels? Plastic tupperware? A closet already full? Cupboard full of laundry items? Using what you already have is the most sustainable option. Buying ‘eco friendly’ items isn’t eco friendly if you are then just going to toss what you already have. Use what you have until you can’t anymore. When you do need to replace or purchase things, then begin to consider the environment impact of the item. I know first hand how easy it is to get sucked in to the idea that because the item you have isn’t good for the environment, you aren’t helping the earth. That item is doing a heck of a lot worse sitting in the landfill before its time just to be replaced with a ‘more sustainable’ item. If you are ready to move on from an item that still has life left in it, look at rehoming or repurposing it rather than tossing it in the garbage. Give it another life somewhere else.

Once you have taken a look around, assessed where you need to make improvements, and used what you already have to the best of your ability, then it’s time to start thinking of what swaps to make. Where can you make changes that are the least overwhelming to keep you on track and in control of your sustainable journey.

Come back and find out what room is the simplest to start making eco conscious swaps.


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