Three Things I am NOT Doing This Holiday Season to Save My Sanity!

Does anyone else find like the holidays can go at warp speed?

The holidays can be incredibly overwhelming. The immense pressure to do all the things. Seeing others doing all the things, and having them make it look so easy. Let me tell you, they’re likely faking it! Their kids are probably miserable sitting for that ‘perfect’ photo, over and over again. Social media can add to the pressures of feeling like you need to do it all. All the crafts, all the baking, all the tree farms, the perfectly decorated tree, go go go. Well here are three things I am NOT doing to save my sanity, and my kids sanity. They’re just little, they don’t need over loaded schedules and a stressed out mama.

-Family photos and holiday cards.

Nope, not doing it. If we get a family photo, that’s amazing and yes, I would love one. But we aren’t booking a Santa mini, or tree farm mini, or forcing the tiny humans to stand in the cold in their little holiday outfits. If someone wants to snap an impromptu photo in front of a tree or dirty kitchen table, I am here for that. But once the kids start protesting then we call it.

But holiday cards, while I would love to send them out, it just isn’t something I make a priority. I do hope that in the future I make time and effort to do holiday cards, but for now, in this stage of life, it isn’t something I stress over and prioritize

-Overbook our schedule.

Granted, I work until that last week before Christmas so really, we don’t have the time to fill up our weekdays. But we aren’t forcing time to go through candy cane lanes, or tree farms. Things we will make time for are toboggan parties and snow days where they get to run and explore and be kids. And when they’re done, calling it a day, and heading home for hot chocolate and a movie, and likely a meltdown or two!

-Matching family pajamas

I will not lie, I did not know that matching family pajamas was such a big thing until I joined social media. One of our family traditions has always been opening a pair of pajamas on Christmas Eve, but growing up I don’t recall them ever being Christmas pajamas. When we had our own kids we kept the Christmas Eve pj tradition going, and I didn’t think to do holiday themed pjs. Then, I got sucked into the social media world and my thoughts got all jumbled up.. of course we are all supposed to wear Christmas pajamas for Christmas morning. What have I been thinking all these years. And once, I even tried to get us all matching pajamas. Well, we wont be doing that again! While yes, the kids do now get Christmas themed pyjamas, because they really do love them.. and so do I! But I doubt we will do family ones again.

BUT, if matching family holiday pyjamas is important to YOU, then that is awesome, I love that for you. You do you boo!

These are just a few of the things that I do not force time into my schedule to do because they just aren’t important to ME. If getting an annual professional photoshoot is important to you that is awesome. I bet it is great seeing the kids grow each year. If your spouse is on board and matching Christmas pjs with Santa is your jam, love that for you! Gingerbread houses and making ornaments, with this rowdy bunch of mine, is not a good time so that’s something we hold off on doing for now.. we have learned our lesson! Everyone has their own limit to what they will and will not do, and these are a few of mine.

What are you NOT doing this holiday season?


Welcome 2023


Eco Friendly Wrapping Ideas