Welcome 2023

New Years Resolutions or New Year word?

Happy New Year!

Three weeks in, how are we feeling? The most overwhelming, anxiety producing time is over in my opinion. The pressure of the new year, the pressure of resolutions, starting new habits right off the hop, jumping in with both feet. It can be hard, and unattainable long term.

So, how are we doing! Did you make a resolution? Are you sticking to it?

This year, I decided to switch things up for myself.

In the past, I would set ‘resolutions’ for myself.. usually things like stand up for myself, be honest to myself, seek happiness.. that sort of thing. Vague, non definitive ideas of what I want my life to look like.. But then thats where it stopped. Not steps to keep these so called resolutions. No action. So this year, I switched it up!

For 2023, I picked a word. A word I hope sticks with me for the better part of the year, becomes the little voice inside my head that keeps me on the path of reaching my goals. The word I picked this year is ‘Intention’ —if you follow me on Instagram, you already knew this!

‘Intentional living is a way of living your life so that you are better able to cultivate and enjoy moments that matter to you.’ -author unknown

For me, this means that I am going to start living with intention. Now, I am an all or nothing kind of person, and am working on that. Small missteps and hiccups do NOT mean failure and that I have to start over. So, with that in mind, the idea of living with intention is to also narrow it down-for me that means time and money. Those are the two areas that I never seem to have enough of, but in reality, I’m just not spending them wisely.

Intention with time- the focus is to do each task at hand intentionally, rather than half-assing everything while trying to do a hundred things at once. Stop trying to split myself in many different directions, doing all the things at once, while really accomplishing nothing fully or well. So, putting the phone down and focusing. When I’m with the kids, it’s solely kid time. When it’s phone time, the kids are busy set up with an activity. Now of course, they come first so there will be times that shit happens- thats life and motherhood! But the objective is to focus, give it full attention, likely get it done faster and better than as if I were trying to do it all at once.

Intention with money- I had planned on doing a ‘no spend January’ but that kind of when to shit when we had five birthdays within the first fifteen days, plus illness and a planned surgery. So instead of a no spend month, I am bringing more intention into my spending. Really considering what my money is being spent on, why, and what value it holds. (This should have been done years ago but better late than never) This mindset will come into play in many areas because frankly, we have way too much stuff and definitely do not need to bring more clutter and crap into the house. So its a win win win all around!

Now I know new habits will not be formed overnight. It is going to take practice and be challenging. I am a sucker for a sale, marketing is directed towards people like me, and I love a good gadget! But, little steps, keeping the word intention at the front of my mind, and doing my best.

So, for 2023, that’s where I am at! How am I doing so far? Alright! Not perfect. I have definitely been sucked into the phone a few times. But a few things that have really helped me keep on track with doing tasks with intention have been to set a timer, set up a time lapse (love these!), and letting those around me know, especially the kids. Nothing will bring you back to reality quicker than your six year old saying ‘I thought you weren’t going to be on your phone when playing with us’ well damn kid, you’re right and thank you. (I also love that she uses her voice during these moments) Another way that I am doing my best to keep myself on track is rather than listening to a show when my headphones are in, is listening to a podcast. So far I have been focusing on mindset and minimalism. The goal for me isn’t minimalism but more mindfulness.

Those are the first few steps I have taken to start achieving what I want to get out of 2023. Because let’s be real, I do have some big goals and dreams for the year. (Another post for another time)

Now, how about you?


Mornings With Me


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