Oh, hey there!

Oh heeeey, long time to type!

It’s funny isn’t it! I (and my amazing sister/graphic designer (check out her work here)) spent many many hours designing, building, and writing to get this blog up and running. I would start the process, let it sit, it would expire, and we would start again. This went on for way too long. And then finally, we did it. We both busted our butts, got this gorgeous blog up and running. We launched it, I was ecstatic. And then incredibly overwhelmed with the idea of it. Not the actual having a blog, I love having a blog, but the idea of having to take matter into my own hands and actually write more posts to share with all of you, the public. Suddenly I got overwhelmed and busy, made excuses, I didn’t make time to work on it.

I mean yes, life really did get super busy. Following our summer vacation, our eldest started kindergarten. We bought a house and moved. Everyone got sick, and then sick again. All while working basically full time out of the house and trying to run a home. I had to prioritize my time, and in the chaos of all the things, the computer didn’t get put to the top of the list, but the whole time it was constantly on my mind. I was constantly making mental notes of blog topics, things I wanted to share, thoughts and ideas, but never actually executing.

Now I’m not saying life is any less busy, because let’s face it, it isn’t! It is basically a full-time job just reading all the emails the school sends! Seriously. But in all reality, this working, momming, running a home, being a chauffeur, all the things, it is all very time consuming. But like with all things it is what we prioritize. And I am back to prioritizing this space. I want to be here. I want YOU to be here. I want to help other mamas know that yes, life really is that crazy and hard and that it is okay, and you are not alone.

I know for a FACT that I am not the only one that is feeling overwhelmed with life. Feeling the weight of being the primary caregiver, the default parent, the keeper of all things. And yes, those are all priorities. the children and family are top priorities, but it is time that I start making time for the things I want to do too.

We have reached a new level of what we deem acceptable attire to leave the house in!

But our life has also reached a stage that I am able to do that. The kids are a little older, a little more independent (sometimes, even though it feels like they prefer to be right on my hip, but I know that won’t last #mixedfeelings) and I have a teeny tiny grasp on this crazy thing called life.

So, I want to thank you for being here. Thank you for being patient with me while I navigate this space, this life, this crazy mind of mine. Buckle up and get ready to see more of our crazy chaotic life, trying to navigate parenting, sustainability, mental health, and now decorating our new house making it a home!!

I hope you’re as excited as I am!


Three ways to keep Christmas sustainable.


Newly discovered facts about myself