5 Benefits to Cloth Diapering

Did you know, the first ever disposable diaper ever used is still sitting in a landfill.

Let that sink in.

Cloth diapering has many benefits, I could talk about them for hours! But I won’t.. today!

Today, I am going to share 5 benefits to cloth diapering.

  1. Cloth diapering is gentler on the environment.

    Cloth diapers are made with natural fibers, can be washed and reused many many times, for multiple children. Because they can be rewashed, diapers aren’t ending up in the landfill. Disposable diapers take up to 400 years to break down and decompose. Hemp fabric begins can begin to break down within 2 weeks in the proper environment.

  2. No harmful toxins

    Disposable diapers often contain synthetic fibers and dyes, with many companies not fully disclosing what they are actually using to make this product that sits next to your babies most sensitive area. Many disposable diapers can cause allergic reactions to babies, and finding the right one can be a long painful course. Yes, with cloth diapers, rashes and reactions may occur until you find the detergent that works best for you and your child. Once that is established, nothing needs to change for the 2-3 diapering years.

  3. Easier on your wallet

    While off the hop, cloth diapers may appears to be expensive, in the long run they are definitely a more cost effective way to diaper you babe. If buying new, yes some cloth diapers can cost a little more, especially if it is important to you where and how and of what fabrics your diapers are made. I am talking clean and safe working environments, ethically treated workers, and sustainable fabrics. However, there are ways to begin your cloth journey and save on the fee. There are many amazing second hand options out there. It may sound icky, but with a quick sanitize of the diaper, it is completely safe to use a pre loved cloth diaper on your little one. Once your diaper stash is bought, that’s it! No need to buy any more. No fitting diapers into your monthly budget. Some may argue that your cost of laundry detergent will go up, and yes it will, but not enough to compare what disposable diapers cost.


    This little fact is the initial reason we made the switch to cloth diapering so many years ago.

    Read more about that here

  5. Cute!!

    I mean, cooommme ooonnnn!!!


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